Agriculture Industry


The use of ancient wooden sieves, precursors of today’s analytical sieves, dates back to ancient Egypt, when it was necessary to separate the grains from other impurities.

Nowadays the use of analytical sieves for the agro-food industry extends from the cultivation of cereals, pulses and seeds to the granulometric control of their processing by milling.

In CISA SIEVING TECHNOLOGIES we manufacture sieves for the agricultural sector, according to the requirements that have to be fulfilled by the analytical sieves, either with metallic fabric or with perforated plates of any format.

  • Sieves for grain and cereal control, with round and elongated perforated plates according to ISO5223 and ISO3310.1 standards.
  • Specific sieves for flours, coffee, rice, tobacco, cereals, legumes and seeds.
  • Specific standards ISO4150 (coffee), ISO15793 (semolina), EN12580.
  • Control sieving equipment.

We work for the industry in different sectors

All sectors
Cedaceria Industrial en el sector farmaceutico
Cedaceria Industrial sector agricultura
Cedaceria Industrial en el sector ceramico
Cedaceria Industrial en el sector educación
Cedaceria Industrial en el sector de la minería
Cedaceria Industrial en el sector biomasa
Cedaceria Industrial en el sector del reciclado
Cedaceria Industrial en el sector alimentario